If you haven’t already read the other 2 blog posts in this series please read them for context

Rules of Engagement Pt 1 here

Rules of Engagement Pt 2 here

The shock and elation of getting you first job, either in the nursing or other profession can be very daunting, as a father of young kids, its like your first day of school all over again. you don’t know what to wear, people seem bigger than you, they talk a different language and you really don’t understand what’s being said or what your a doing.

DONT PANIC!! Everyone feels the same of you!!

Smile, be calm, this is the shock of capture and you will be OK. How can you be more ok? how can you ensure that you will be calm cool and collected, ready to battle through the induction process or fight IT to get your emails working?

Its the simple things that can make all of the difference to make your first day a little easier and less stressful

7 P’s – Proper planning and preparation prevents piss poor performance

Things to think about!

1. Clothing

Make sure that all clothes are prepared the night before. Lay them out if you need to, hang up you freshly ironed shirt and trousers, socks, underwear, shoes.

2. Wallets, Keys and phone

Make sure that your phone is charged and the alarm is set at least 30 mins before you think you need to. Make sure your keys and wallet are in a place where you will find them. Make sure they are there, physically see them and put them in the place.

3. Money

If you are able to keep some small change in your pocket as well as a note of some form, just in case you need to pay for parking in old fashioned machines or drink/coffee/food machine.

4. Pen and notepad

Although a notepad may not be necessary it is always an idea to have a physical piece of paper as well as a pen/pencil to write down codes to door or other important information that you may need to remember.

5. Coffee cup/Water bottle

Either a travel mug and or a water bottle is a great addition in feeling calm and in making sure you are hydrated through out the day. You don’t want to drink out the generic “visitor” cup all day..do you?

6. Food

Unless explicitly started don’t expect food, bring your own. Although you may want to buy food if the company offers it, either canteen or concession stand, this may be expensive or may not offer they type, quality of food that you want to eat. Food doesn’t have to be from the Ramsey school of cooking, basic comfort food, sandwiches, chocolate biscuit, fruit, or whatever is something that you can eat easily rather than something that might drip down your shirt on the first day…its never a good look

7. Deodorant/Aftershave

Taking a good quality deodorant should always been in your bag, summer are hot and in the winter heating can be ferocious. Make sure you smell nice and apply before you need it, nothing turns people off more than a stinky person…you might get a nickname that you may not want. You are going to be up close and personal with people showing you things on a pc or how to use a program etc.

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Quote of the week

"People ask me what I do in the winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring."

~ Rogers Hornsby

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