Now I am not suggesting that your Armani suit and Tom Ford scent with a cashmere jumper and Loui Vuitton bag is necessary to show that you are dressed smart, however, how you look is how you are perceived. I have to try really hard to make the right impression as if you were to see me on a dark night in an alleyway you may assume that an Orc from Lord of the Rings has lost his way and means you harm!!

I am a brutish looking bloke, I’m as big a barn door, 6’4 with a shaven head and would probably be better on a medieval battlefield than in any type of public service. I have to work very hard to ensure that the right impression is made and every turn other wise it is easy to be misrepresented as something I am not. Having worked in sectors of public service, as well as a lot of time in the corporate world being well dressed is essential in promoting a professional appearance.

I am by no means a very wealthy person, however it does not cost a lot to make yourself look professional, and how you dress need to be looked as an an investment rather than a cost. Supermarkets, Matalan, High street stores and charity shops provide people with a rich assortment of clothes that you can use to look smart and professional.

When I had my interviews I was shocked to see people rock up in tracksuit bottoms and a sweatshirt, or Jeans T-shirts and trainers. Although this may be normal wear, you are coming for an interview where you have to project an air of professionalism and confidence, rather than lounging in front of the telly with friends.

Below are some tips to ensure that you look smart for your interview. This is the basic amount that you need, of course if cost is not a big factor then by all means splurge if you want to…

(Edit… I am Male and list if from the male perspective, Ladies, I would not dream to tell you what to wear, but feel free to substitute male garments to the female version, skits, blouses etc. the only thing I would say is, match the colour of you underwear to the colour of your shirt, if it is seen, to promote a more professional appearance. If anyone can see your underwear through you skirt/trousers they you might have to re adjust it…)

1. An Iron

If you do not own an Iron, purchase one and ensure that you know how to use it – you do not have to buy the most expensive one, and travel iron will do but an ironed shirt/blouse/trousers etc will mean that you don’t look like you have just turned up without a care but have taken some time to prepare.

2. Shirts 1 is ok, 2 is good, 3 is better

You can get away with one shirt, as you wash it every night, but having the minimum of 2 means that one can be washed and drying with you wear the other one. Both being white is good as then no one will know that its the same two shirts, if you are worried about that type of thing. 3 shirts means that you are able to cut down you washing workload, but if cost is a factor then it is by no means necessary.

Charity shops have an immense range of shirts in different sizes and for very little money and although they are clean, make sure you give them a wash when you get home for piece of mind

3. Chinos or trousers

Again at least 1 pair of trousers, preferable black or dark grey – remember this in an interview not a fashion parade, dark colours are good to ensure that you look smart and to mask any kind of spillages that you may have with you pre interview drink – or any other liquid for that matter. Charity shops, Supermarkets, high street or online are great places to go. Just make sure they fit right, it is better to be slightly bigger that skin tight, so that everyone sees what your packing or what kind of toe you have!!

4. Shoes

If you are just doing for interviews a black shoe is best – I would always go for Clarks leather shoes, I have very wide feet, however, Primark do some really good shoes that you would be able to use for an interview to look smart.

5. Personal Hygiene

CLEAN YOURSELF!! In any walk of life a stinky person is generally reviled, Making sure you have used a good anti perspirant, and you have washed with soap/shower gel including your hair and other important places means that you project an image of a person who take care of themselves and is professional in this customer facing role. You could be the best candidate in the world, but if the interviewer cant get you out quick enough due to the stench then they wont care what you have to say!!

Remember this is an investment into a number of different interviews or inductions – with these clothes you would be able to use them to attend inductions or other events without looking super overdressed!

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Quote of the week

"People ask me what I do in the winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring."

~ Rogers Hornsby

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