Although this blog is about my entrance into the world of nursing there are a few basic rules that you can use, in my humble experience, to ace any interview.

I managed to interview for a job in nursing, albeit right at the start on the lowest rung of the ladder, without any sort of experience at all, none….not even working in a care home or anything, aside from caring for sick kids.

In previous carers I have interviewed, developed, promoted and fired many different people and sometimes it is not the most experienced or most qualified person that gets the job, sometimes its about the person, how they present themselves but most of all its ATTITUDE!

Most jobs can be taught, most jobs give training and mentoring but in general I never hired because of the millions of qualifications they had, it was about peoples attitudes to work, how they set themselves and what research they had done about the job and company.

Of course if you are going to become a brain surgeon or an airline pilot then yes qualifications are important, but in the main for most jobs you stand a pretty good chance if you follow these rules

There are a few rules to follow if you want to get a job and ace an interview.

1. Research Research Research

People want to know that you are passionate about the company and how excited you are to work there. knowing about the company and the job you are applying for and then using that in your interview answers will go along way in making you a top candidate.

Follow the 5WH approach

Who – Who are they, who do they work for, who do they answer to?

What – what do they do, what will you be expected to do, what can you offer

Where – Where do they do it, Location, Sector etc

When – When do they do it, days, night, evening

Why – Why do they do these things, why is what you will do important, why do you want this job, why should they hire you

How – How will you be a benefit to them, how are you better than the other candidates

2. Dress like you want the Job!

Hopefully you have looked at Rules of Engagement Pt 1 which says about what to wear to you interview. As was stated, clothes for interviews are an investment. Cleaned, ironed clothes covering a freshly showered body will square you away.

3. Eyes and Ears and mouth and… know the rest

Eye contact, smiles, and listening are the major players in the interviewing department. Most of our communication is non verbal, looking at someone and listening, nodding your head and looking at them whilst they are talking will show them that you are engaged, listening and are interested. When talking to the interviewer/s make sure you look at them, clearly, without any slang or profanity. Make sure you are not mumbling into your lap but open up, be confident..DO NOT CROSS ANYTHING….

Do not sit down with your legs crossed or your arms crossed, Crossing arms or legs is a visual cue to stay away or keep back. hands in your lap, with your back straight will keep you engaged and professional. (Edit…Ladies in Britain it is socially acceptable for legs to be crossed, however, legs together and slanted to the side or together in a seated position are perfectly acceptable)

It is never acceptable to be sitting with legs akimbo so that every one can see the side you dress on…especially if wearing a skirt, or a kilt! keep yourself modest. 🙂

4. Do you have any questions for us

Always have a question, even if it “When will I hear if I have been successful” This type of question may be the make or break question in some cases. Some questions that you may want to ask

“What are the promotional prospects at xxx company”

“Will I have the opportunity to develop in my position”

” What is the culture of the company”

More to follow……

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Quote of the week

"People ask me what I do in the winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring."

~ Rogers Hornsby

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